My friend Kathi honored me by passing on the art d pico award to me.
After she named me, I fell off the planet and quit creating. I blame it on life (which includes a husband who is about to deploy in July to Kuwait, three homeschooling children, and a craft room that yearns for organization) which sometimes gets busy and - I'll admit - out of control. Regardless, I am honored that my dear blogging friend would think of me. And, so two weeks later, I am keeping the tradition alive!
The rules, once you receive the award, appear on the original blog (which Kathi has linked on her blog). The main requirement is to, in turn, award five people who inspire me. To choose five people who inspire me is quite a task as there are so many out there who spark my creativity.
I am going to name five people whom I have never met, but whose blogs I frequently visit:
Nona (who has more energy, creativity, and faith than most people I know)
Barb (a homeschooling mom who encourages me to know that even in the busy homeschooling day there is time for creating)
Karen (a blog I just discovered, but am still in awe at her awesome photography)
Jeani (another CTMH consultant who creates some great stuff)
Lisa (who has posted her recent streak of simple yet oh-so-cute cards)
While I may not visit on a daily basis, these are blogs that when I do have time are "must visits" if even just to pop in to see how life is going for these blogging folks!
Thanks again Kathi for passing this on to me! You made me smile.
Now, back to cleaning that craft room ...
Oh my goodness, Maricar! You are SUCH a sweetheart! I am inspired by you, too. I thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me such kind comments...I will add you and your family to our prayer list, in light of your husbands deployment. Blessings~Barb