Who are these ladies you ask?
Well, I met Kelly and Miranda at CKU-KC in 2005. Since then, we have stayed in touch. When I lived in KC, we cropped together often. Since I've left, emails and forum chats have kept us connected.
Lisa, Dana, Shawn, and Kerry were all loyal customers at Scrapbooker's Dream, a local store that has closed down since I moved away. SD had a OnLine Forum to which we all belonged. Because of the Forum, we grew to become good friends. Again, through emails, swaps, and such - we have all kept in touch.
So, all these ladies scrapbook -- and we all love to shop ...
So, it was only fitting that we shopped at our local Archivers. I think we all walked out with some good stuff!
L to R (back) Dana, Shawn (front) Lisa, Miranda, Kerry, me, Kelly
Here's my goodies that I got:
More acrylic stamps (because I don't have many - hah!), Ultra Clean (a product I saw on someone's blog for really deep cleaning gunky ink from stamps), a Dove blending pen with extra tips and a refill (purchased on Kathi's recommendation), some chipboard covers to use with my BindItAll, and ... [drum roll please] ... I am now the owner of a ScorPal.
Here's a close up of the stamps I got. Aren't the penguins cute?
The greatest part of it is ... I got all that merchandise for less than $4. Yes, less than $4 (of my own money). My birthday was in March, and my friends (the ones in the picture) contributed to a birthday gift for me. They sent me an Archiver's gift card, with the intention that we would all get together to shop on my trip here. So, combined with the gift card and lots of coupons, all of this comes home with me, for a mere $4 from my spending budget! Gotta love that.
And, Shawn had gifts for each of us.
And this is what was inside:
A great time with girlfriend. Oh, how I miss Kansas City!
Wow! You did good! Look at all those goodies! You will love your Score Pal! I picked up some of that Ultra Clean too. I think I know the blog that mentioned it because that's why I bought it! LOL Those stamps look like lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteBut, I'm sure by far your favorite part was spending time with your girlfriends! :o)
Thanks for sharing!
I had to enlarge the photo your goodies to closely examine your new stamps. Very nice!!! You will love the Dove blender. As for the Score Pal, I'm jealous! I'm even more envious of your day with friends. My friends are so spread out. It's what I miss most 'bout being young!! I'm glad you had so much fun. You deserve it!!
ReplyDeleteHi Maricar! Sounds like you and your friends had a wonderful time! I love the little penguin stamp, so cute! Congrats on your Scor-Pal, I just got one, too, for my birthday. I've used it a few times, LOVE IT! The website is loaded with ideas...can't wait to see what you come up with!